A Covid 19 Risk-Reducing Mantra



What do we all need to know at this time of pandemic and existential crisis of climate change and unravelling of nature’s life supports? Not to mention, a time of political, social and technological upheaval?

And what do we need to know to help us get through each day?

Need to Know: Science and Insight is like a personal letter sent to you Tuesday and Saturday mornings that explains a need to know issue, why it’s important for you and all of us to know. It will also offer information you can use right away along with a bit of universal wisdom to consider…and hopefully elicit a smile or two.

In a few days one of the first issues of Need to Know: Science and Insight will look at how to live a life in a pandemic. It starts with my being tested in a hockey arena, then looks at the data on risks posed by various activities and comes with a cool graphic. The main part explains a very useful Covid 19-risk-reducing mantra: Time and Place, People and Space.

It’s taken weeks to put it all together. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it.

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Collective Wisdom on Issues Mainstream Media is Missing

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Hello Friends.

I’m about to launch an email newsletter called “Need to Know: Science and Insight”.  I’ve been fortunate to interview some of the smartest and wisest people around the world in my 25 years as an award-winning science and environmental journalist. Every week I hope share some of that collective knowledge with you by writing about one or two things we all need to know about when it comes to climate impacts, energy transitions, the decline of nature’s support systems and so on. These are vitally important topics that mainstream media have cut back their coverage of this year.

And, unlike traditional journalism there’ll also be a personal story, some ideas you can use and maybe a bit of wisdom to consider — all in a 10 to 12 minute read.

Need to Know” is free to read and share so be sure to subscribe today to not miss the first issue. All you need to provide an email address. No ads, no spam and easy to cancel.

Subscribe here


How to Navigate this Decade of Change & Consequence

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A FREE Newsletter

What do we all need to know at this time of pandemic, existential crisis of climate change and unravelling of nature’s life supports? Not to mention, a time of political, social and technological upheaval? What do we need to know to get through all of this and come out smiling on the other side?

And what do we need to know to help us get through each day?

Subscribe to my FREE weekly newsletter: Need to Know: Science and Insight

This is where you’ll find my latest work based on interviews with some of the smartest and wisest people on the planet, combined with my 25 years of writing and reporting on need to know issues.

First issue will be published soon, subscribe today so you won’t miss it.
