1. Can I repost or reprint your articles to my website. blog or publication?

No, you cannot repost or reprint any content from this site without my written consent and, in most cases, payment. These are original articles that took a considerable investment of time and effort to write and they are my only way of making a living. FOR REPRINTS – contact me by email: writer steve AT gmail dot com – no spaces.

Posting anyone else’s article or image without permission is illegal and NOT, repeat NOT allowed under the “Fair Use” provision in US copyright law see Wikipedia’s explanation.

Please remove any of my articles that you may have posted.

HOWEVER — feel free to QUOTE a short section of an article or posting with the following attribution: By Stephen Leahy [link included] and the full article name with a link to the story.

I am trying to write about important issues that I hope people are interested in, so forwarding a link or quote is good karma all around.

See The Win-Win of Supporting Independent Journalism

2. Can I send your articles to other people via e-mail?

No. Please send them here or to a site that paid for the article ie IPS, Tierramerica, Wired News, Common Dreams, etc

3. Can I print a copy of your article?

Yes, but only for your own personal use. You cannot make copies and hand them out to friends or in class unless your educational institution is registered with Access Copyright. If you need to make copies let me know and we can work something out.

4. Can I provide a link to your site?

Yes. Please feel free to do so. I am not participating in advertising programs like Google’s ad sense.

5. Translations:

Please feel free to translate an excerpt with a link to the English or translated version of the article via Google Language Tools or another web page translation service. Otherwise you cannot reproduce a translation of any article or content on this site.

6 thoughts on “REPRINTS & FAQ

  1. Mr. Leahy,
    I handle media relations for Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and I think that we do a lot of work on the environment and its effects of health and society, climate change, and how all these issues affect the developing world. We have a large roster of experts in Canada and more importantly, in the developing world. I would love to obtain your direct contact information. Please feel free to get in touch with me.

    About IDRC
    Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC) is one of the world’s leading institutions in the generation and application of new knowledge to meet the challenges of international development. For more than 35years, IDRC has worked in close collaboration with researchers from the developing world to build healthier, more equitable, and more prosperous societies.

  2. Hi Stephen;

    Thanks for all your terrific work in researching and writing about crucial environmental issues.

    This note is to support your affirmation of copyright and to invite you to test the beta version of iCopyright. Here is the URL:

    BTW, please contact me directly about something else.

    cheers, Penney

  3. Just want to say I enjoy your quality posts on environmental issues in Canada and around the world.

    Derek – a blog on climate change for Canadian businesses

  4. I want to send you some information on my biodicersity research.I need an address to which I can send it.
    I’d be grateful if you could provide it to me.
    Thank you.
    Richard S. Bennett, B.A.

  5. Stephen, I’m working with Dr. Carl Safina and PBS on the new television series SAVING THE OCEAN; I’d like to reach out to see if you might be interested in writing an article about the Carl’s new role as television host, the series and plans for season two. If so, please feel free to contact me directly. Thanks for your time…

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