Blowing Holes in Our Life Support System

In this issue of Need to Know: Science & Insight I investigate how and why we are poking holes in our life support safety net that is Nature. If Nature isn’t healthy that means we aren’t either. And I’ll look at what to do about it. But first, let’s meet my friend Lonesome George, the rarest creature on the planet. (Yes, those are pix of George I took).

This is a two-part series, each is a 5 to 10 minute read.

Read the issue for free today.

From Rhino Vision to Water Vision

Learning to value and respect the hidden water that is all around us is the theme of the latest issue of Need to Know: Science & Insight.

Average water footprint of bottle of cola

Water is far more valuable and useful than oil and yet water rarely gets the attention it deserves. Nor does water get our respect, or the reverence that nearly all cultures far older than ours had for it. This issue’s overarching need-to-know is understanding and awareness of our water reality.

To help this happen, let’s shift perspective and go looking for Rhinos.

Read the issue for free today.

Navigating Safely Through The Pandemic

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First issue of Need to Know: Science and Insight to be published today at noon.

How to Navigate safely through the Pandemic

Need to Know is my weekly newsletter about things we all need to know when it comes to climate impacts, energy transitions, the decline of nature’s support systems, living safely during a pandemic, along with a personal story and some useful ideas. And all in 10 to 12 minute read.

Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss it.